The Gift of Prophecy or
The Prophetic Call?
have reached in deep enough to now discuss the prophetic. There is a
distinction between the prophetic call and the prophetic gift. This is one of the
many tragedies in the Church today. We are unable to separate the one from the
other. Anyone who is able to exercise that gift in a fluent way is considered
to be a prophet.
is the main distinction? If you want to discern the difference between the gift
and the office, you merely need to look at the role they play. The gift of
prophecy isn’t permanent. It’s only role and function is to bring a word from
Heaven, whether a revelation of our situation or a future prediction. I want to
be very careful with my words.
gift of prophecy can come in many different ways. The man or woman who receives
this prophecy receives it once. It could be anything. It could be a revelation
of an interpretation of Scripture. It could be a prophetic view of things to come.
It could be personal prophecy concerning a certain individual. But it is only a
prophetic word. It never branches out beyond being a statement. It might be
anointed. It might have power when it is spoken. That doesn’t mean that it has
validated the person as a prophet.
prophetic office is quite different. A prophecy could come to anyone. It might
come once in a lifetime; it might come frequently. It is the Spirit that has
liberty with choosing how, when, to whom, and how often prophecy is given. When
we look to wrestle with what a prophet is, we come to conclusions that it is so
much more than that.
prophet doesn’t bring a word that gives light to a certain situation or speaks
directly to an individual. A prophet challenges an entire framework and system.
The prophet’s word doesn’t come as some sort of blessed revelation. It comes
and lays bare everything. It devastates. And example of this is Moses before
Pharaoh. Moses didn’t go to Pharaoh because the problem of Israel being beaten
and suffering. The word of Moses and the miracles that God performed through
Moses challenged an entire system that is built upon oppression. We gain wealth
by oppressing those people.
prophets of Ba’al had the same story. Elijah didn’t come into the picture challenging
the system of Ba’al because it was a foreign god. That is only an outward
manifestation of the problem. The problem was in Elijah’s words, “How long will
you waiver between two opinions?” There was a system set up where it both
eliminated God as God and gave way to announcing any other things claiming to
be god was also valid. The system that King Ahab had built with Jezebel using
the power of Ba’al is one of extreme religious devotion. But a religion of what
lies the prophetic office. The prophet stands in the place that can discern the
spiritual reality. But he doesn’t just give a word concerning that spiritual
reality. He doesn’t simply point it out. The prophetic word and the prophetic
office are intertwined. When the prophet is sent from God, he is sent to
Pharaoh that binds and oppresses. He is sent to King Ahab that enforces a
religious system bent on ungodly religious fervor. He goes straight to the core
and proclaims, “Let my people go!” This is why the prophet has such power. He
is a force to be reckoned with.
true prophet of God will come and destroy everything that is false. He will
expose and utterly cut through all of the garbage theology and all of the junk
institutional system that has been set up. I can’t understand how it is when
you go to prophetic conferences there are never messages about Israel. Israel
is always brought up in a cheap and glib fashion. How is it that Israel could
be the very crux of the Bible in that their redemption means the return of
Christ, and yet they are barely ever even mentioned? How is it that there are
never messages that challenge the very system that the conference is set up
upon? You donate to this or that ministry to be blessed and receive the word of
the “prophet.” And not one word is ever spoken against it.
don’t have prophets being employed. In fact, many of the supposed prophets
aren’t even anointed by God. They haven’t heard anything, yet they run onto the
platform to give the word. How many of these prophets are real if they are only
too eager to share what the Lord has spoken? Does the Lord not have an
indictment against anything that we are doing in modern Christendom? Or is it
only those other denominations? We are the perfect faultless ones, right?
have glib, cheap, knock-off prophets that have no backbone. They are eager to
tell you your license number or give you a word that will let you know that God
knows you, but they can’t interpret the times. Many so-called prophets today
think that Israel will come to know Christ during the Tribulation after we have
been raptured out. The view is that it is their sin and their problem.
that sound like humility? Does that sound like God’s character? How is Israel
supposed to come to the knowledge of God? They come up with ridiculous theories
on how maybe rabbis will learn and teach people. Or maybe they will just come
into awareness and that will be sufficient. They have not a prophetic
understanding of the Bible. How then, can they be prophets at all?
Prophetic Proclamation
we are going to understand prophetic proclamation properly, we need to first
understand the formation of such a man. The prophet is not a romantic. I don’t
mean this in a sense of relationship. I mean this is his view and perception of
the faith. He doesn’t have a romantic view of what it means to be a prophet.
There isn’t anything about the prophetic call that would draw him to desire it.
a calling and office lends itself to pain and non-comfort. The man’s word is as
much a part of the man who speaks, as his skin is part of his body. God comes
upon the man and ruthlessly purges. The prophet is the prophetic office. This
isn’t something that comes separately.
the prophet is to speak a word of judgment, the prophet must undergo judgment.
If the prophet is to then speak a word of redemption, the prophet must undergo
redemption out of suffering. The prophet and his word are one. If you reject
the word you reject the man, and visa versa. This is why a prophet is not born
in a day.
one of the biggest evidences of whether someone is truly a prophet or not is
their desire to be a prophet. When they are only too excited to be called a
prophet and be cherished as a prophet, then it is too much a sign that they
have not that office or calling. However, when someone is willing to take on
that office and doesn’t have eagerness for or against it, they are the real
prophet must first be uprooted out of the system. They can’t remain within the
context of any sort of institution. Camel’s hair and locusts are intrinsic
metaphors for any and all prophets. The false prophets ate at Jezebel’s table.
Elijah was fed by ravens in the wilderness. So it goes for the true prophet.
God must first take you out. That doesn’t mean you get cut off from fellowship.
That does mean that any kind of church building or congregation is less than
is another sign between the true and the false. The true prophet cannot remain
within the walls of church structure, as we know it today. God might call them
to remain there. That doesn’t mean they enjoy and delight in it. When the man
of the hour is only too excited and eager about the congregation they are a
part of, it is most likely a sign that they are not separate from the false
religions of this age.
takes the prophet out to relearn everything. He reshapes the man. He rebuilds
and reforms everything from the doctrines to the great words of the faith to
eschatology. Just like Abram was brought out of his father’s house, so the prophet
must be brought out of the establishment. They find God in the wilderness. They
undergo their metamorphosis on the backside of the desert.
and exactingly the prophet is dealt with. Everything in life, speech, conduct,
belief, dogma, action, reaction, faith, opinion, character, etc is destroyed.
You no longer have a life. You no longer represent an opinion. Your life is
God’s life. Your opinion is God’s opinion. Your word is God’s word. Your
doctrine and faith and belief and dogma are God’s view. Nothing more and
nothing less will suffice.
it doesn’t stop there. The prophet isn’t taken out of Jerusalem so that he
might stay at the Jordan all the days of his life. He isn’t taken out of Egypt
so that he can find a wife and live away from his people. God reshapes the man
and sends him right back into the heart of the problem. He must be his message,
but beyond that he must be able to bear the reproach of such a message. God
tears him down, but then builds him back.
is why the prophets have some of the most amazing passages in all of Scripture.
They are the message. This is why there is such power and authority in their
speaking. This is why there is such conviction. God doesn’t lead the prophet to
believe a certain view of the end times because He says it and that is all. God
constantly shows in the life of the prophet that this is how God works. The
prophet’s message is a Deuteronomic message. Every aspect comes straight from
you obey the Lord your God, then such and such blessings will come. If you
disobey the Lord your God, then such and such curses will come. They have
experienced in their own lives this very message. That is why I can say with
complete conviction that Israel will soon be uprooted and in exile once more.
It is their history as well as mine.
prophet isn’t only one who is brought out and in. There is something else that
is also developed into their character. They don’t fear men. Now, this is
slightly assumed with bring made into the kind of people who can take rebuke.
But what this also brings is a connotation that they could care less about the
esteem of men as well.
all enjoy to be esteemed. We all enjoy when others will pat us on the back and
tell us that we did a good job. We all enjoy when others who are prominent will
acknowledge our efforts. This is a natural sensation for humanity. But it can
also be the most dangerous and poisonous thing to the Spirit. If we find more
fulfillments in hearing the praises of men than the praises of God, we have
already come to a place of apostasy.
this is why Samuel’s first prophetic word was to Eli. It wasn’t “nice.” God was
judging to house of Eli, and it took a young boy named Samuel to expound that
God was not pleased. Can you imagine what it would feel like to go to the man
who raised you and tell him such a message that God is cutting you off from the
needs to be both reverence and sympathy for such men. They are to be reverenced
because of their deep sincerity and willingness to bear the message. We ought
to sympathize because many times their message of judgment means that they too
must suffer that same judgment. Elijah proclaimed that it would not rain except
at his word. That doesn’t mean that Elijah is free from the drought. It
actually places Elijah right in the midst to suffer with the rest of Israel.
we ask what the prophet’s message will be, we need to see it from this
perspective. The prophet will only speak what the Lord has spoken. That could
be blessing or curse. Either way, the word itself is an event. It is the word
that actually brings about the completion of it. When the prophet is obedient
to speak the word that has been given, the judgment or blessing has already
is for this reason that the prophet’s task isn’t to simply expose. The prophet
will set up an alternative that has never been considered. Why has it never
been considered? It is the heavenly alternative to a world steeped in the
earthly things below. That which is from the earth cannot consider the things
of heaven.
speaking a prophetic message, or when hearing a supposed prophet, if we don’t
hear of some alternative way to live and breath and have our being, then we are
being lied to. The primary task of the prophet is not to bring prophecies
concerning the future. The primary task is to expose the false reality that we
cling to by presenting the authentic and revealing the glory of God in it.
might be some sort of prophecy given. There might be an oracle displaying
future events to soon take place. But that oracle will not be presented in a
way to educate. The purpose is not to say, “Prepare yourself for this!” The
point is first and foremost to present the authentic reality and perception of
God. From that reality and perception might then come the statement of
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