
To give an introduction to this blog, I would like to say that the main focus here is eschatology and the end times. From time to time I will write about other subjects, but the majority of my writing is directed toward the last days. If you are interested in my thoughts on other subjects, please view my other blog:


To give a little bit about me, my name is Tommy Comer. The bulk of my ministry is outreach to teenagers who need love. Some are homeless. Some are traveling through and need a place to spend the night. Some are in juvenile detention centers. Some are in youth groups at their local church. Whoever and wherever they may be, it is my wife and I's heart to reach out and touch the next generation with the power of God. In this, we desire to teach them and build them up - equipping them for the coming days of Tribulation, as they might indeed be the last generation.

Salvation story:

I came to Christ when I was 17 years old. I was an atheist before knowing the Lord. The way I even got into seeking God was by being tricked into going to youth group by a friend. He continued to ask me to go to church with him, and I continued to say no. One day he asked what I was doing Wednesday night, and my, not knowing that youth night is always on Wednesday night, said, "nothing." I went for to youth group for the first time in my life. I hated the people. I hated the message. I hated the clicks and cheap love that they expressed. I hated the whole thing. The music sucked, the message was a bore, the others there were only there to hang out, the whole thing seemed rather unengaged. We were supposed to be here for God, and yet these people had nothing to do with Him.

...And then there were these people who did have something to do with Him. Few they were, they seemed genuine. It got me asking questions. From there, I thought that if God is real, I can ask Him to reveal Himself. I went to the front - after returning a couple times - and asked God to prove His existence. Nothing happened... at first. When I turned to walk away, somewhat relieved and somewhat disappointed, a wave of emotion rushed over me. I can't explain it in words. I knew that I knew that I knew that God is real, and His name is Jesus Christ, and I needed to repent. From that day I have relentlessly pursued Him and reality. I ask you to join me in that pursuit.

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