shall we say of sin? If death is moment by moment because of sin, then we must
ask what we mean by sin. For many, sin is the action that offends God. It is
the disobedience to the law of Christ. However, we’ll see later in this section
why exactly that cannot be. Sin is a power. It is a condition. We cannot
relieve ourselves from the grips of sin. It takes a supernatural work to break
the chains of sin. It is at work in our members so that when we were once under
the law of sin and death, we found that no matter how greatly we desired to
obey the law, we did the very things we did not want to do. We strove to obey
God’s commands, but there is something at work within us to prevent us. This
prevention is actually not some sort of human nature, but rather a sin nature.
It is a secondary nature that has been put upon us.
actions called sins are not to be understood as the “end all be all”. Instead,
we should understand that the actions are a result of something deeper. There
is an inward working of death in our mortal bodies. We are increasingly being
moved further and further away from God and toward death. Sin reigns in our
bodies, and therefore we are stuck in the grips of death – to be absent from
God. It is our sin that separates us from God, but sin of what kind? Certainly
it is not the petty shortcomings that we all face, for when we are in Christ
there is no condemnation. No, this sin being expressed by Isaiah the prophet is
an inward reality of death having its way in our members. It is a condition, a
disposition, and that without remedy.
what is meant by Paul when he says that the power of sin is the law? In Romans
7, he establishes the fact that the law is not unholy, nor evil. On the
contrary, the Law is the mechanism that God used to express His heart to us. It
is holy, holy, holy. When Paul uses the term “law”, it needs to be understood
in the context of two kingdoms. There is a wisdom of the kingdom of darkness
that says we can do on our own strength. To walk according to the law is to say
that God has given us His ‘manual’ and we only need to live in accordance to
it. After all, we do read the B-I-B-L-E – the Basic Instructions Before Leaving
Earth. To view the Scripture in this manner is to take the holy things of God
in a carnal manner – walking out our faith by our own strength and power – and
thus utilizing the wisdom of demons to achieve a preconceived notion of
righteousness. Thus, we are not simply talking about the law in content, but
the law in practice. It is not just the law, but the law manipulated through
the wisdom of this age.
is all about self-preservation. Because we know what God commands, we can
perform these regulations in order to attain unto righteousness. However,
righteousness comes through faith and faith alone. To trust in the works of the
law is to trust in sin and death, for through the law sin came. In the
ever-nagging question of whether we’re supposed to obey the Torah, we want to
answer question number two without asking question number one. The first thing
to answer is whether we have indeed established our righteousness upon faith,
or whether we in fact do have some sort of religious system and tradition to
uphold a preconceived notion of righteousness. Once that has been established,
we can then seek to understand the Law according to faith. For they who desire
to observe a Sabbath day, do it unto Christ through faith. For they who say
that every day is a Sabbath, do so unto Christ through faith.
do not observe the letter of the Law as was once taught. Instead, we see that
the Passover is fulfilled in Christ, and so when we keep the Passover, it is
through Christ and not of fleshly obligation. We see in the kosher diet as
ascribed in Leviticus 11 that Christ is our clean food – the bread of truth and
sincerity without leaven, and our meat in due season – thus anything clean
points us to Christ, and anything unclean reveals to us what Christ was not. In
all things, whether eating or drinking, we do it unto Christ. The question of
whether we’re free to live apart from the law is answered as follows: Love your
neighbor as yourself, for in this the whole of the law is summed up. You who
are not circumcised, remain as you are. You who have not kept the kosher diet,
think heavily before taking up that kosher diet. Do all things unto Christ
through faith, for the power of sin is the law. Now that you have been given
freedom, do not exchange that freedom for bondage. You’ve been set free for
freedom’s sake.
is the power of the kingdom of darkness: Death being at work in us through sin,
and sin being at work in us through our own attempts at being righteous. To be
free from this is to be free indeed. That kind of freedom comes with a price.
The author of Hebrews warned his readers, “In your struggle against sin, you
have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.” It takes the
Gethsemane experience of every believer to break past the bounds of sin and
death and into the realm of eternal glory. It is that resurrection glory that
we seek, not just at the end of the age, but to be alive within our members
even now. We are of a different kingdom, and therefore we are of a different
wisdom. We are not bound by sin and death – the power of the kingdom of darkness
– but instead we are bound to Christ. Now, by dying to what once bound us, we
have been released from the law so that we serve the new way of the Spirit, and
now in the old way of the written code. We are set free, not to avoid the
Torah, but to find the deeper expression of it through life lived unto Christ
through faith.
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